You searched for "blink"

3934 results found

Changes in refractive error in patients with accommodative esotropia after being weaned from hyperopic correction

This is a retrospective review of medical records of 47 patients with refractive ocular accommodative esotropia who achieved emmetropisation and orthotropia without hyperopic glasses correction and were followed up for at least three years. The objective of the study is...

Oxford Ophthalmological Congress (OOC): Invitation to Tender Services for Conference Organisation and Event Management

After successfully attaining CIO status in 2019 the Council of the OOC is reviewing contracts with all service providers.

Myasthenia Gravis Masquerading as a Third Cranial Nerve Palsy

A 65-year-old man presented with a week’s history of binocular diplopia (in all directions of gaze) and a right partial ptosis. He was systemically well. His past medical history was unremarkable except for vitiligo. At presentation acuity was 6/6 bilaterally....

“Herr Doktor, I can’t see but I am driving”

This 56-year-old lady was quite puzzling. With her own glasses and the pinhole she merely managed to see the 1.3 and 1.0 logMAR lines with her right and left eye, respectively (I am currently working in Germany again, so goodbye...

RCOphth Annual Congress 2022 - Preview

Eye News previews the RCOphth Annual Congress 2022, as we look forward to the return of an in-person Congress for the first time since 2019. Follow updates and key events here.

CALL TO ACTION: Help the Ridley Eye Foundation ‘reach more of the unreachable’ in the Himalayas

On the 29 November 1949, Harold Ridley carried out the first implant of an intraocular lens (IoL). This was the first major breakthrough in the cure of cataract blindness since Jacques Daviel conducted the first extra-capsular extraction 198 years earlier....

Viva Las Vegas: Dr Corey Hochman

Speaking with Phoenix-based ophthalmologist and poker player, Dr Corey Hochman, Peter Cackett explores the themes of success and failure, and how the ups and downs of one’s ambition can provide an overwhelming gratitude for life. “Money won is twice as...

SOS (Simplified Ophthalmic Statistics) Part 2: How to summarise your data and why it’s a good idea to do so

Studies involve capturing data. Statistical techniques allow data to be used to answer important research questions. A case series may have data on a handful of subjects but we are now entering the Big Data arena where datasets can be...

Silicone band loop myopexy in the treatment of myopic strabismus fixus

This is a retrospective case series of chart review of patients who had silicone band loop myopexy between January 2008 to December 2012 for myopic strabismus fixus (MSF) at a tertiary eye centre in India. A minimum period of two...

Optical practices to continue to provide urgent and essential care

The UK Government has now published further guidance clarifying that opticians are exempt from the general requirement for retail businesses and premises to close. Optical practices may therefore continue to provide urgent and essential eye care to the extent that they can, including remote care, while managing COVID-19 risk to keep patients, staff and the public as safe as possible.

Africa makes strides in tackling blinding eye diseases: highlights of annual conference

Introduction The 9th Annual Scientific Conference of the College of Ophthalmology of Eastern, Central and Southern Africa (COECSA) was held at the Bingu International Convention Centre in Lilongwe, Malawi in September 2022. The meeting was hosted by the Ophthalmological Society...

250 QFFD bicycles make sight saving care possible in rural Zambia

Sight-saving charity Orbis, is delivering a project in the Copperbelt province of Zambia, tackling the difficulties of delivering eye care in rural areas by providing 250 bikes to Community Eye Health Champions (CEHCs).