You searched for "surgery"

2129 results found

Conservative management of concomitant strabismus

The aim of management for all patients with strabismus should centre around four goals: to prevent amblyopia, to alleviate symptoms, to restore binocular single vision (BSV) and to improve ocular alignment. The conservative management options available for strabismus include observation,...

Orbis and FedEx team up on three-week training for Eye Care Professionals in Vietnam

This is the first surgical project for the Orbis Flying Eye Hospital in three years.

Risk factors and prognosis of paediatric open globe injuries

This retrospective, comparative, interventional case-control study was aimed to investigate possible risk factors and prognosis of initial no light perception (NLP) in paediatric open globe injuries (POGI). A total of 851 cases were reviewed, including 837 unilateral cases and 14...

Development of paediatric ophthalmology services in Malawi: the VISION 2020 LINK between Blantyre and Glasgow

A VISION 2020 LINK was established in 2005 between the Lions Sight First Eye Hospital (LSFEH) in Blantyre, Malawi (part of the Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital) with Glasgow’s Royal Hospital for Children to help to develop a paediatric ophthalmic service...

The vitreoretinal priesthood

When I first started doing cataract lists, the consultant at the time, a Mr Brown from Carmarthen, used to say that phacoemulsification was more akin to flying a jet fighter for short dangerous bombing runs than a boring long haul...

Unconscious bias (part 2)

Does unconscious bias exist, and does training help to reduce discriminatory behaviour? Clare Inkster questions her role as a trainer. I read Gwyn Williams’ Learning Curve article on this topic a few months ago with interest, and as someone who...

My COVID-19 songs

A portrait of Anna by Tamara Jovandic-Everson as part of #portraitsforNHSheroes. I am a consultant eye surgeon and these are my COVID songs. First of all, I have not even had time to digest the past six months, partly because...

Practice patterns in managing exogenous endophthalmitis

The authors of this study conducted a global survey of medical institutions regarding management of exogenous endophthalmitis to assess current practice patterns for this sight-threatening emergency. Thirty-six (of 42 institutions) responded and were included in the analysis. Results were as...

Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on US paediatric ophthalmology

The authors designed and distributed a survey to assess the economic impact of the pandemic on US paediatric ophthalmologists over the sustained lockdown period of 18 months in 2020/21. They captured information on clinical and surgical revenue, staff hiring and...

Ocular damage from laser pointers

This retrospective study of case notes from a tertiary eye centre over a five-year period, recruited nine children (12 eyes: eight boys) aged 9-15 years. Three presented with deteriorating vision whilst others had retinal changes noted as incidental findings at...

Survey of paediatric ophthalmology practice in the US

The purpose of this study was to develop a survey to assess possible solutions for an economic turnaround in paediatric ophthalmology. A 12-item survey was circulated with questions related to practice location, setting and years in practice. Responses were received...

Atropine penalisation for amblyopia in the UK

The authors aimed to determine the current clinical practice of atropine penalisation (AP) in the UK, to identify perceived barriers limiting use of AP as a first line treatment and ascertain whether any of the barriers could be resolved. An...