World Glaucoma Week is an annual initiative which brings health organisation and charities from around the world together to amplify health messages relating to glaucoma and raise awareness of the disease.
A worrying cause of headache is raised intracranial pressure (ICP). Papilloedema is a vital clue for accurate diagnosis and performing fundoscopy is essential in detecting this sign. The authors review the use of fundoscopy in their own district general hospital....
Homebuilder Cala Homes (East) has donated £3,130 to Sight Scotland for the purchase of two white boards to aid teaching at the Royal Blind School in Edinburgh.
Gail Burns, from Edinburgh, ran to fundraise for sight loss charity, RNIB Scotland, who supported her father in his diagnosis of age-related macular degeneration just two years ago.
Sight Scotland and Sight Scotland Veterans have welcomed the delay to the Bottle Deposit Return Scheme and are urging the Scottish Government to use this time to consider the implications it will have for visually impaired people.
Nobody claims to like embryology. At least nobody I know. It has been a neglected part of the curriculum since time immemorial and a vicious cycle occurs in which those with an incomplete understanding fail to appreciate the inherent beauty...
Ann-Marie Ablett is a Theatre Nurse and Team Leader who volunteers with Orbis. This has allowed her to gain a wealth of experience on ophthalmic procedures, nursing in under-privileged parts of the world, leadership, management and use of scarce resources....
NHS cataract surgery and YAG laser capsulotomy patients will benefit from high-quality care and significantly reduced waiting times at new SpaMedica hospital.
As a child of the 70s and 80s, there were limited television viewing opportunities. For the duration of the 70s there were only three channels, only moving to four with the launch of Channel 4 in 1982. Not only that,...