You searched for "blink"

3934 results found

Ophthalmology history and examination – a guide for medical students

*First author Students have very little exposure to ophthalmology during their years at medical school. Teaching consists of a handful of lectures followed by a short placement in which students are expected to practise histories and examinations on patients with...

Macular holes: A brief review

The classification of macular holes has been modernised by OCT findings. This is a brief review and encompasses the historical literature on macular holes. A macular hole is an anatomical discontinuation of the neurosensory retina at the centre of the...

Pituitary tumours: why are they so often missed?

Part 2: Clinical varieties, anatomical considerations and case report (see also Part 1 and Part 3) For ophthalmologists there are four types of pituitary tumour to be considered, three of which are named according to the hormone secreted, along with...

Surgical correction of involutional lower lid entropion

This is a retrospective comparative study. The authors analyse results of 281 eyelids with involutional entropion operated by two surgeons, 89 treated with buried resorbable imbricating sutures and 192 with non-buried non-resorbable sutures. The horizontal lid laxity was corrected by...

Dacryoendoscopy in congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction

This retrospective study demonstrates the role of dacryoendoscopy to identify causes of failed lacrimal probing in congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction (CNLDO). Dacryoendoscopy was carried out in 13 children with refractory CNLDO. The lacrimal pathway was examined from puncta to the...

Delayed angle closure in pseudophakia and repeated intravitreal therapy

The authors report two cases of acute angle closure many years after uneventful cataract surgery and posterior chamber intraocular lens (IOL) implantation. Both patients had neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and received regular intravitreal injections (24 and 25 injections in...

Update on primary angle closure glaucoma

This review article considers primary angle-closure glaucoma which is responsible for half of glaucoma-related blindness worldwide. Angle closure is characterised by appositional contact between the iris and trabecular meshwork. It tends to develop in eyes with shallow anterior chambers, anteriorly...

How to consent patients

I attended a morning seminar at the recent College Congress in Liverpool about how to properly and legally consent a patient for a procedure. There has been a lot of interest in this of late following the Montgomery ruling, in...

My ophthalmic elective: Harvard Medical School

Medical electives are an excellent opportunity to learn, enjoy and explore countries and their healthcare systems. I was grateful to do mine in ophthalmology at Harvard Medical School (HMS). This article will share my personal experience working at HMS with...

3D Slit Lamp Grand Round at the Royal College of Ophthalmologists Congress 2023

This year at the Royal College of Ophthalmologists saw a world’s first for any conference: a slit-lamp grand round.

How to write and publish a case report – tips and common pitfalls

Ophthalmology is an extremely popular specialty, with the competition ratio at ST1 level entry being 10:1 in 2023 [1]. Consequently, applicants are required to achieve higher portfolio scores to remain competitive. For those considering a career in ophthalmology, two points...

Third nerve palsy following cataract surgery with sub-Tenon’s anaesthesia

Figure 1: Photograph showing partial ptosis of the right eye two months after surgery (photo by R McLeod). An 83-year-old lady had routine right eye cataract surgery under uncomplicated sub-Tenon’s anaesthesia. She presented two weeks later, explaining that following the...