You searched for "surgery"

2129 results found

Children’s clinic perceptions

The authors designed a questionnaire intended to be child friendly and for use in a paediatric ophthalmology clinic. The aim of the study was to sample the opinions of the children attending their clinics. Topics in the questionnaire included timing...

Biometry and IOL choice errors

In the next instalment of this series I focus on problems associated with biometry and intraocular lens (IOL) selection for cataract surgery. I have taken previous medicolegal cases I have dealt with and tried to extract some learning points and...

Ophthalmology in a War Zone: an interview with Dr Volodymyr Melnyk

It is now nine months since the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine commenced in late February 2022, with Putin announcing a “special military operation” to “denazify and demilitarise” Ukraine. The rest of the world, however, saw it for what it...

Should we move towards procedure-specific consent forms?

The consent process represents the patient’s acceptance of the information provided to them and an agreement to undergo an intervention as suggested by a health professional. Effective doctor-patient communication, ensuring the succinct delivery of the necessary points in a way...

CALL TO ACTION: Ophthalmology on Myanmar / Thailand border: do you have any redundant kit?

In 1990, the late Doctor Frank Green, a consultant ophthalmologist in Aberdeen, along with Doctor Phillip Ambler, a GP with ophthalmic training, responded to an invitation to provide ophthalmic care for Karen refugees on the northern and eastern Myanmar borders....

A look into the IOL space

Advances in the design and performance of intraocular lenses (IOLs) continue to be driven by demand for better outcomes, presbyopia correction and spectacle independence, alongside a better understanding of the dynamics of the crystalline lens, newer theories of accommodation and...

The results of the last survey Dec21

Consent is a hot topic at the moment and the publication of the GMC Guidance on Consent [1] has rightfully refocussed our attention on it. Consent practices vary wildly and have been the subject of many of these surveys. Once...

Serology testing in periocular inflammatory disease

This is a review article of serological tests in thyroid eye disease, IgG4-related disease and myasthenia gravis. The authors provide an overview of the current serology with a brief description of how they relate to the pathogenesis of each condition....

A three-way partnership between Nigeria, Tanzania and Northern Ireland

VISION 2020 LINKS between Western Health and Social Care Trust (WHSCT), Altnagelvin Area Hospital, Northern Ireland with first ECWA Eye Hospital, Kano, Nigeria and now also with Mbeya Referral Hospital (MRH), Tanzania, have been beneficial to all three partners. From...

External dacryocystorhinostomy in the management of childhood epiphora

Congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction is thought to be caused by a membranous obstruction at the distal end of the nasolacrimal duct (NLD). Rarely, associated midline deformities in soft tissue and bony structures of the face are present in patients with...

Paediatric spectacle dispensing: more than a frame and lenses

It’s incredibly rewarding to fit a child’s first pair of spectacles and see their face light up; looking around to see the wider world for the first time. Sometimes it is so obvious that even the most reluctant parent will...

Does vitrectomy increase the risk of glaucoma? A retrospective review from a UK hospital

The authors investigate what proportion of patients undergoing pars plana vitrectomy subsequently developed ocular hypertension or a diagnosis of glaucoma. A systematic review carried out in 2017 including seven studies found that there is evidence that pars plana vitrectomy (PPV)...