You searched for "foundation"

1877 results found

Nurse-led Rapid Corneal Collagen Cross-linking / UKISOP Society Education Day

Nurse-led Rapid Corneal Collagen Cross-linking By Dan Gore Over the last decade, clinical trial data has accumulated for new interventions in keratoconus that promise to arrest disease progression, significantly reduce transplantation rates and save many patients from long-term reliance on...

Myasthenia Gravis Masquerading as a Third Cranial Nerve Palsy

A 65-year-old man presented with a week’s history of binocular diplopia (in all directions of gaze) and a right partial ptosis. He was systemically well. His past medical history was unremarkable except for vitiligo. At presentation acuity was 6/6 bilaterally....

Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery: What options are there and when might they be considered?

In recent years there has been a rapid expansion in a group of operations termed ‘minimally invasive’ or ‘micro invasive’ glaucoma surgery (MIGS). These options generally offer less significant IOP reduction, but with a more favourable safety profile when compared...

Improving eye care for children with learning difficulties: a view from SeeAbility

Marek P Karas from sightloss charity SeeAbility examines why children with a learning disability do not access the eye care they need and asks how the system needs to change. Children with a learning disability are 28 times more likely...

Headache: the clue is in the eyes

A worrying cause of headache is raised intracranial pressure (ICP). Papilloedema is a vital clue for accurate diagnosis and performing fundoscopy is essential in detecting this sign. The authors review the use of fundoscopy in their own district general hospital....

Retinal prosthetics: science fiction or a vision for the future?

“Is it a fact – or have I dreamt it – that, by means of electricity, the world of matter has become a great nerve, vibrating thousands of miles in a breathless point of time?” – Nathaniel Hawthorne, The House...

Bridging the gap – Supporting our patients across the primary / secondary care divide

Providing the best care for patients is surely a fundamental goal for all healthcare professionals. When waiting-times are long and getting longer, clinics are full, colleagues are off with stress-related illness and patients are complaining, is it possible to still...

What's trending Aug/Sept 2019

#puppydogeyes Who can resist a pair of puppy dog eyes? It may be that no human can! A team of researchers discovered that dogs acquired a new forehead muscle, which is scanty or absent in wolves. This muscle is the...

The Complainers

There she was. Sitting in the waiting room with her arms crossed, tut-tutting to herself and shaking her head mournfully every few minutes. We gazed at her from a safe distance while one of the nurses confirmed what we already...

Optimising an acute eye service in the current COVID-19 crisis

With the current global pandemic of COVID-19 we have all had to redesign and reorganise our normal working practices. Non-urgent hospital work has been postponed to allow redistribution of resources, redeployment of hospital staff and to reduce the risk of...

Simulated ocular surgery – strabismus surgery

See also Simulated ocular surgery and Simulated ocular surgery: pars plane vitrectomy and scleral buckling surgery Strabismus surgery requires a range of skills, distinct to those required for intraocular surgery. Even if a trainee does not plan to become a...

Elevated risk of mood disorders after recurrent retinal detachment

This study was aimed to investigate the risk of mood disorders in patients who experienced retinal detachment (RD) by using the National Health Insurance Research Database in Taiwan. A total of 4129 participants diagnosed with RD and 16,516 non-RD individuals...