You searched for "surgery"

2129 results found

What's trending Oct/Nov 2022

A round-up of the eye related hot topics that have been trending on social media over the last few weeks. #teammates #warringtonwolves #keratoconus Robbie Mulhern, a professional rugby league player for Warrington Wolves, had never heard of keratoconus prior to...

Harry Moss Traquair: Edinburgh Ophthalmologist and Father Figure of Perimetry

It is a unique honour bestowed upon only a few clinicians, that their name becomes for evermore associated with the subject of their particular expertise and knowledge. Such an individual is undoubtedly Harry Moss Traquair, an Edinburgh-based ophthalmologist, who in...

A message from the editors

Right now you may be self-isolating, self-learning about Covid-19 and / or selflessly looking after family, friends or folk next door who need supplies, meds or general cheering up, albeit at a distance. Some of us might be redeployed, frantically...

Students, soccer and slit-lamps in Ethiopia: a VISION 2020 LINK

Wachemo University campus. The Ethiopian Government is well aware of the brain drain amongst health workers and, to compensate, is training huge numbers of medical students, nurses and health officers in universities like Wachemo, a massive new University near Hosanna...

Sustainable prevention of blindness from diabetic retinopathy through prevention and control of diabetes mellitus – LINK partnership experience in Dominica

The Caribbean Diabetic Retinopathy Project (DR Caribbean) is a five-year project that aims to reduce blindness due to diabetic retinopathy (DR) across four Commonwealth countries: Belize, Dominica, Jamaica and St Lucia. The VISION 2020 LINKS Programme at the London School...

Eye Emergencies: The practitioner’s guide (Second Edition)

This book is a comprehensive guide for medical practitioners – nurses or doctors working in the primary care or emergency care setting. It begins with a description of basic anatomy of the eye and the clinical significance of various structures....

Belfast briefing: Retina Day roundup from the RCOphth 2024 Annual Congress

Belfast hosted this year’s Royal College of Ophthalmologists’ (RCOphth) Annual Congress, a meeting dedicated to sharing advances, knowledge and clinical practice points in ophthalmic care. This article summarises selected talks by medical and surgical retina specialists during the Retina Subspecialty...

Leading eyecare charity Orbis celebrates the 20th anniversary of Cybersight

Orbis celebrates the 20th anniversary of its award-winning telemedicine and e-learning platform, Cybersight.

Sustainability in eyecare: Intraocular gases and the climate emergency

In 2020 the NHS became the first national health system to commit to delivering ‘net zero’ carbon emissions by 2040. The author investigates how the impact of ophthalmic surgery can be reduced. Medical gases have been used in ophthalmic surgery...

Aqueous misdirection: a case series of unexpected surgical complications

Aqueous misdirection (AM), also known as malignant glaucoma, is a form of secondary glaucoma that typically presents with shallowing of the anterior chamber (AC), raised intraocular pressure (IOP), and reduced visual acuity (VA) in the presence of patent peripheral iridotomies...

Ocular bubbly: a vitreoretinal update on the art of gases

The authors remind us of the revolutionary impact gases have had on retinal surgery. In 1938, Rosengren attempted to improve his retina repair surgical outcomes [1]. He discovered that suturing the retina or pressing externally on the sclera were not...

Dr William Mackenzie: a founding figure of modern ophthalmology

The author looks at the career of William Mackenzie and the important role he played in establishing the status of ophthalmology as a recognised medical speciality. There are certain individuals who, blessed with ability and means, are destined to leave...