You searched for "acuity"

1041 results found

What's trending Jun/Jul 2020

Here in the UK, we’ve been in lockdown since 23 March 2020, with much of the rest of the world entering degrees of lockdown since February-March 2020. COVID-19 has dominated the headlines and social media, so without further ado, I...

Take this waltz

My last weekend on-call was the busiest I can remember for a very long time. We were just completely swamped with patients. The weather was not too good that Saturday and it felt like every second inhabitant of our ocean...

End stage glaucoma management

A 48-year-old female has had multiple drug treatment for glaucoma and is still losing field of vision. How do you manage this over time? This patient is at high-risk for going blind and should be managed aggressively to protect remaining...

The management of chronic uveitis

A 40-year-old company executive is referred from another unit with recurrent anterior and posterior uveitis for 12 months and the inflammatory markers are raised. Review of systems This is a case of chronic uveitis which needs a thorough workup and...

The world in union

"It’s the world in union, the world as one…” Hearing these lyrics as a sports fan means only one thing: it’s time for the Rugby World Cup! This four-yearly sporting extravaganza should hit your TV screens around the same time...

The screening and treatment of retinopathy of prematurity

A male child is born at 31 weeks and requires 100% oxygen supplementation with intensive care. What would be the ophthalmic management of this child? In the first instance, it will be useful to know the screening criteria and protocol....


Welcome to our Spring Special of 2024! The year is well underway and I can feel change is in the air. It’s the Chinese year of the dragon, generally regarded as a good sign, plus it’s 40 years on from...

Breakthroughs in the genetics of angle-closure glaucoma

Angle closure glaucoma (ACG) is not widely known to be a familial condition, yet the recent explosion of genetic data and large scale genome wide investigations have confirmed at least 13 genetic loci associated with ACG [1], and provided some...

Strabismus in thyroid eye disease

Pathogenesis Thyroid eye disease (TED) is an auto-immune condition, in the initial phase there is lymphocytic infiltration and oedema of the extraocular muscles with deposition of glycosaminoglycans and hyaluronic acid and adipogenesis, which can lead to an increase in the...

Treating minor eye conditions in optometry practices: is this a viable model for the future?

The role of the optometrist has expanded in recent years as community eye care services have changed. With the limited scope of general ophthalmic services (GOS) regulations in most parts of the UK, the funding to support additional care has...

Specialty-driven EMR for paperless clinical environment – insights for an informed choice

Deployment of specialty-driven (or specialty-specific) electronic medical record (EMR) systems across UK ophthalmology units appears to be growing rapidly at the expense of generic, multiuse digital technology packages. Experience further suggests that open source systems can play a significant role...

Things I’d tell my medical school self, had I known my first year on the job would be during a global pandemic

In a conversation with his younger self, a foundation doctor reflects on the contrast between his expectations of medicine at university and the reality of working during the coronavirus pandemic. Every doctor arrives at medical school with nervous anticipation, yet...