You searched for "IOP"

1568 results found

Friendly felines and a spot diagnosis

A nine-year-old girl presented to me in eye casualty with a three-week history of blurred vision in her left eye. Otherwise she was apparently well, with no past ophthalmic, medical, drug or relevant family history. Visual acuity was 6/4 right...

External dacryocystorhinostomy in the management of childhood epiphora

Congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction is thought to be caused by a membranous obstruction at the distal end of the nasolacrimal duct (NLD). Rarely, associated midline deformities in soft tissue and bony structures of the face are present in patients with...

On the wrong track

A 65-year-old very high myope lady presented with sudden blurred vision down to count fingers to her right eye after a short and sharp pain. She also described seeing a black swirly line and as all these symptoms were exactly...

The writer: publishing my first book as a trainee

Medicine is very hierarchical. Indeed, Hippocrates himself laid the foundation of the apprenticeship that is medical training and while it is the noble duty of the boss to pass on information and ask for tasks to be undertaken as a...

Lines, dots, spots and rings in ophthalmology: understanding eponyms

Eponymous names are familiar to all who have undergone undergraduate and postgraduate training in medicine. The ability to name a few allows one to stand out among your peers and rare, or not so rare, eponymous syndromes are a favourite...

Hydroxychloroquine toxicity

Being the subject of litigation is stressful and upsetting. Having to look back over your previous decisions and justify the care you delivered in good faith can be difficult. Sadly, we all live with the Sword of Damocles above us...

The Re-humanising Revolution: Breaking the conspiracy of silence

Over the last few years, the mental and emotional wellbeing of those who work in medicine has come under scrutiny. The author introduces a new resource. Working in healthcare has always been stressful but never more so than today. In...

Bradford College ranks in English Top 3 for Dispensing Optician Higher Education

Bradford College has ranked in the top three institutions in England offering ophthalmic dispensing (Dispensing Optician) higher education courses, according to the recently published National Student Survey (NSS).

My work experience with Great Ormond Street Hospital Young Persons’ Advisory Group for Research

For my school work experience I had the amazing opportunity to attend and work with the Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) Young Persons’ Advisory Group for research (YPAG) (Figure 1). The GOSH YPAG is a group of young people aged...

The COVID-19 ‘frontlines’: a foundation doctor’s perspective

Staring through the fragmented stained glass of the Virgin Mary and her assorted angels, I reflected on the strangeness of the workplace I now found myself working in and the irony of a workforce now working together more enthusiastically than...

Make eye drops part of your Ramadan routine: wake, drops, eat, pray, done!

During the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims fast during daylight hours, abstaining from food and drink between dawn and sunset each day. Ramadan 2020 starts on 23 April and ends around 23 May, depending on the first appearance of the...

Viva Las Vegas: Dr Corey Hochman

Speaking with Phoenix-based ophthalmologist and poker player, Dr Corey Hochman, Peter Cackett explores the themes of success and failure, and how the ups and downs of one’s ambition can provide an overwhelming gratitude for life. “Money won is twice as...