You searched for "Edinburgh"

115 results found

The clues of the eye – what is medical ophthalmology?

The author looks at the increasingly significant role of medical ophthalmologists and the importance of integrative healthcare. The eye is a remarkable organ, and for decades we have been discovering intimations of pathology existing elsewhere in the body [1] simply...

Ophtherminator 3 - Rise of the Machines

“Bring back life form, priority one, all other priorities are rescinded.” Film buffs will spot this as a chilling quote spoken by Ash (Ian Holm) from the classic sci-fi horror movie Alien (1979). Ash (spoiler alert) is a Hyperdyne Systems...

Part 1: good news, bad news at the international conference

One of my favourite comic strips from my childhood was Good News, Bad News which ran in Jackpot comic from 1979–1982. In this strip, the story for the main character would be described in a series of alternating ‘Good News’...

RCOphth 2024 Report

A comprehensive tapestry of all our RCOphth Annual Congress content captured between 20–23 May 2024.

A case report showing the natural history of papilloedema

The case report describes a 54-year-old woman who developed increased intracranial hypertension due to chronic dural venous sinus thrombosis in the absence of any significant comorbidity. In the years preceding diagnosis, the patient underwent routine diabetic retinopathy screening; however, gradual...

An eyeful of independence

Scots will decide this September whether or not Scotland should be an independent sovereign state. “As all key areas of our business are already fully devolved, it’s very much business as usual for us,” noted a spokesperson for Healthcare Improvement...

Simulating the visual impairment symptoms of age-related macular degeneration in virtual reality

A new virtual reality application visually simulates age-related macular degeneration and demonstrates its progression over time including some Charles Bonnet syndrome hallucinations. Introduction Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness in developed countries with the prevalence of...

Across the globe and into the world of international eye grading

Decades have passed and the influence of analysing fundus images by grading consultants and retinal image specialists has grown worldwide. Their job is to specialise in assessing hundreds of diagnosed eye disease disorders and to read thousands of eye images,...

Artificial intelligence in eyecare: how do we ensure new technologies truly benefit our patients?

From monitoring patients with heart disease to improving the early diagnosis of cancer, artificial intelligence (AI) using deep learning techniques is already employed in many different healthcare specialties [1]. In the eyecare field, AI technologies have been used to analyse...

The happiness coefficient: Pete’s hidden curriculum Part 5

Jeremy: Come on, man, shake your booty! Tonight even Paxman’s out, hoovering up lines of crank off Krishnan Guru-Murthy. Tonight’s the big one.Mark: Jeremy, all rational people agree it’s a truth self-evident that it’s impossible to have a good time...

House of cards

When I was a junior doctor in the late 1990s writing my first scientific papers, once each article was finished, I had to fill out an application form, print out multiple copies and then walk to the post office at...

Investigating the link between corneal clarity and statin use

Transparency is a vital attribute of the cornea, necessary in preserving healthy vision. Maintaining this requires the collective input of the various layers of the cornea. Mostly, the layers implicated in this are the corneal stroma and endothelium [1]. Our...