You searched for "hypermetropia"

245 results found

Surgical strategies to manage incomitant strabismus in adults

Incomitant vertical and / or horizontal strabismus is a challenging presentation. Patients are usually symptomatic as the onset is either sudden so they haven’t developed any coping mechanisms or very complex so that any coping mechanisms will not cover all...

Balancing early and late surgical intervention for congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction

This retrospective study investigated the incidence of anisometropia and amblyopia by age of congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction (CNLDO) resolution. At Seattle children’s hospital, between 2007 and 2017, the outcomes of children with early versus late spontaneous resolution of CNLDO were...

Surgical management of high myopia strabismus

This is a small case series of three patients with unilateral or bilateral high myopia with exotropia and hypotropia. Surgery involved nasal loop myopexy between the medial and superior recti muscles with or without lateral rectus recession and / or...

Improving vision screening access

The purpose of this study was to determine whether providing access to instrument-based screening equipment would increase the total number of high quality age-appropriate vision screenings provided to pre-school aged children. SPOT vision screening was placed in paediatric offices at...

Risk factors for amblyopia

The author presents a meta-analysis of published data to estimate American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (AAPOS) prevalence data for amblyopia risk factors. He extracted data from major paediatric comprehensive eye examination studies for children aged two to five...

The paediatric cataract: an overview of the diagnosis and management

In this second article (see first article here), Samuel Aryee and Rhys Dumont Jones review the challenges involved in managing this condition. Examination and diagnosis Cataracts in children can appear in a variety of forms, each presenting in a different...

Supranuclear ocular motility disorders

Figure 1: Bilateral INO Introduction Complex ocular motility disorders are a diagnostic challenge. These patients come with very complex ocular motility presentations and require a careful and detailed assessment in order to find the correct diagnosis and arrange appropriate investigations....

Principles of contact lens fitting in keratoconus

Keratoconus is an ectatic condition of the cornea characterised by progressive conical distortion with irregular astigmatism, myopia and apical protrusion. Most cases progress slowly resulting in varying degrees of myopic astigmatism. Management of keratoconus includes spectacles, soft contact lenses, a...

The treachery of images – making sense of OCT imaging

In 1929 Belgian surrealist Rene Magritte produced his painting La Trahison des Images. It depicted an old fashioned pipe for smoking tobacco and underneath were the words “ceci n’est pas une pipe”, this is not a pipe. You may wonder...

Effectiveness of supramaximal horizontal surgery for third nerve palsy

The purpose of this study was to present the outcomes and progress of third nerve palsy cases after supra-maximal recession / resection. The aim is for an initial overcorrection of 15-25PD at day one. This was a retrospective study of...

Screening to detect high hyperopia

The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of the plus lens test versus the Spot vision screener. This was a prospective study and 109 children aged two to 12 years (62% female) underwent both assessments followed by...

Dichoptic vs occlusion therapy outcomes for anisometropic amblyopia

The authors evaluated a binocular Tetris game for Android phones and compared its effectiveness, compliance and adverse events with part-time patching in children with anisometropic amblyopia. This was a prospective randomised study. Group 1 played the game for two hours...