You searched for "procedures"

4117 results found

All you need to know about PIC

This is a review article of punctate inner chorioretinopathy (PIC). The authors detail the epidemiology and clinic presentation of the disease. They recognise the challenge of an accurate diagnosis due to its resemblance to other posterior uveitic entities. Multimodal imaging...

Preventing blindness from diabetes: planning a programme of service development and research across Malawi

In sub-Saharan Africa 19.4 million people have diabetes; this is projected to rise to 28.6 million by 2030 [1]. Sight loss from diabetes devastates the lives of working people, affecting the financial stability of the families and communities who depend...

Paediatric ophthalmology training in Malawi through the Vision 2020 LINKS Programme: a decade of partnership

Blinding eye disease in children can lead to a lifetime of dependence and non-productivity for the person afflicted. Sometimes a relatively simple condition such as a refractive error can lead to irreversible disability that could, if caught in time, have...

100 years of insulin

*Joint first authors The centenary of the discovery of insulin is a time to celebrate one of the most significant scientific discoveries of the 20th century. Background Before 1923, Type 1 diabetes mellitus [T1DM] resulted in death from severe ketoacidosis...

Primary eye health care in low- and middle-income countries

The need for eyecare services in low- and middle-income countries Recent global estimates (2020) suggest that there is more than a three-fold difference in the prevalence of all categories of visual loss (presenting visual acuity <6/12 in the better eye)...

Patient safety – is this achieved in optometry with CET?

Collecting points and ticking boxes – as we come to the end of another three year cycle of continuing education and training (CET), the rush to ensure that everything has been completed on the myGOC (General Optical Council) dashboard feels...

A fundal view to warm the heart

In the midst of an overbooked public clinic, wrung dry by medical science, overburdened with the weight of burgeoning patient and organisational demands we feel it is important to occasionally stop and enjoy the small moments – such as this...

The Lancet Global Health Commission on Global Eye Health: vision beyond 2020

Introduction The Lancet Global Health Commission on Global Eye Health was published in 2021 [1]. Drawing on expertise from within and outside the eye health sector, the Commission set out to: inform governments and other stakeholders about the path forward...

Pete’s day off

“You’re not dying. You just can’t think of anything good to do” The above is the explanation given by high school student Ferris to his friend Cameron, who is lying in bed feeling sorry for himself when he should be...

Cataract surgery training in the independent sector

I am now most of the way through my ST3 year working in Plymouth, within the Peninsula Deanery. Before the start of the year, I was approached by one of my consultants who asked if I would like to carry...

The British Council for Prevention of Blindness (BCPB) launches new website

The British Council for Prevention of Blindness has launched a new website on 5 May.

Video Atlas of Ophthalmic Suturing Fundamentals and Techniques

Good suturing technique is a fundamental requirement of all surgeons. With the advent of modern minimal suturing and sutureless techniques, junior doctors have less exposure and hence less experience with suturing skills. Good microsurgical suturing skills can only be mastered...