You searched for "Neuro-Ophthalmology"

2034 results found

Macular holes: A brief review

The classification of macular holes has been modernised by OCT findings. This is a brief review and encompasses the historical literature on macular holes. A macular hole is an anatomical discontinuation of the neurosensory retina at the centre of the...

Across the globe and into the world of international eye grading

Decades have passed and the influence of analysing fundus images by grading consultants and retinal image specialists has grown worldwide. Their job is to specialise in assessing hundreds of diagnosed eye disease disorders and to read thousands of eye images,...

Eyecare education in times of COVID-19

A collaboration between the German Committee for the Prevention of Blindness (DKVB), Rukwa regional government in Tanzania and the University of St Andrews Global Health Team successfully delivered a hybrid teaching programme for ophthalmic nurses in Sumbawanga, south west Tanzania,...

Advances and developments in medical retina

The author provides an update on late breaking clinical trial results in neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD) and presentations on diabetes management from the American Academy of Ophthalmology Retina Subspecialty Day, held during the Academy’s annual meeting in Chicago, October...

Ophthalmology in ancient india, Sushruta’s time and the modern era

While reading an article related to the history of Indian ophthalmology, I came across this description of a surgical procedure: “The doctor warmed the patient’s eye with the breath of his mouth. He rubbed the closed eye of the patient...

In conversation with Professor Bernie Chang, President, Royal College of Ophthalmologists

Congratulations on your appointment as RCOphth President in May last year. COVID-19 hit just before your presidency started. This must have been an incredibly challenging time to take the reins. How has the College risen to the challenges? Thank you....

Development of paediatric ophthalmology services in Malawi: the VISION 2020 LINK between Blantyre and Glasgow

A VISION 2020 LINK was established in 2005 between the Lions Sight First Eye Hospital (LSFEH) in Blantyre, Malawi (part of the Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital) with Glasgow’s Royal Hospital for Children to help to develop a paediatric ophthalmic service...

Bridging the gap – Supporting our patients across the primary / secondary care divide

Providing the best care for patients is surely a fundamental goal for all healthcare professionals. When waiting-times are long and getting longer, clinics are full, colleagues are off with stress-related illness and patients are complaining, is it possible to still...

Understanding medical negligence in the UK: a brief overview

Medical negligence, or clinical negligence, refers to a breach of duty of care by healthcare professionals that results in harm or injury to a patient. In the UK, medical negligence is a serious issue that can have profound consequences for...

Working smarter not harder: How to transform eyecare delivery in the United Kingdom (part 1)

Are we doing enough to meet the current demands on ophthalmic services? In part one of a two-part series (see Part 2 here), Rosalind Harrison takes a look at how efficiency has been improved in eyecare services in the US....

Quality matters in the management of serious eye disorders

The author discusses the first quality standard for serious eye disorders from NICE and takes a look at new care models for enhanced service delivery. Patient backlogs pose risks to patient safety, with research showing that people are losing sight...

SOC welcomes registrations and poster submissions for September meeting

The theme of the Scottish Ophthalmological Club spring meeting on 23 September is ‘Post COVID – The Best of Times and The Worst of Times', featuring eminent speakers on a range of topics.