You searched for "blink"

3940 results found

ROP risk factors

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the incidence and risk factors for retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) in two neo-natal units, and included a sub-analysis of infants with gestational age (GA) of ≥28 weeks. A retrospective review was undertaken...

Features of idiopathic versus non-idiopathic ocular motor apraxia

The aim of this study was to describe the characteristics and outcomes of ocular motor apraxia (OMA) in a paediatric neuro-ophthalmology clinic over 10 years. This was a retrospective case review and included 37 patients of which 46% were idiopathic...

Winner announced for the Silmo IOA International Optician of the Year Award

The International Opticians Association (IOA) has announced the winner of the Silmo IOA International Optician of the Year Award. This innovative award recognises the importance of the optician in the optical business and their role in the choice of optimum products for their clientele.

Using a tumour registry to investigate optic nerve gliomas

This study is a retrospective comparative analysis. Patients with optic nerve glioma and pilocytic astrocytoma were identified through the Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) cancer registry covering a 42-year period using standardised codes. The following data was extracted: basic...

MicroRNA inhibits corneal neovascularisation

MicroRNAs (miR) are small non-coding RNA that target mRNA for destruction. MiR target about 30% of the protein coding genes and fine tune their expression. MiR have been shown to be involved in several cellular processes including cell cycle, tissue...

Corneal stroma modelling under hypoxic conditions

The cornea is exposed to hypoxia under several conditions including sleep, inflammation and wound healing. Being an avascular tissue to maintain transparency, how the cornea homeostatic controls oxygen tension is important. To address this process two models were utilised; a...

Overview of traumatic optic neuropathy

The authors present the clinical features and role of various treatment modalities on the final vision outcome in traumatic optic neuropathy (TON). They retrospectively reviewed the records of patients with a diagnosis of TON over a four year period in...

A case of post-viral ocular microflutter

A number of eye movements disrupt visual fixation, one such movement being saccadic intrusions which are described as small involuntary saccadic movements. Among saccadic intrusions without intersaccadic intervals, ocular flutter and opsoclonus are prominent. When the saccadic amplitude is very...

15 prism test for anisometropic amblyopia

The authors aimed to investigate the accuracy of the 15^ base in prism test (BIPT) in detecting amblyopia in anisometropic patients. This was a retrospective study in which the 15^BI was placed before the right eye followed by the left...

Early diagnosis of pituitary apoplexy using combined MRI findings

The author presents a literature review searching the terms ‘pituitary ring sign’ and ‘sphenoid sinus mucosal thickening’ in the context of pituitary apoplexy from 1990 until the present day. These two findings are both magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) signs of...

Treatment for post stroke visual impairment – clinical practice versus literature evidence

The aim of this paper is to compare the treatments reported in a large scale stroke study (Vision in stroke (VIS) Study) against the treatments identified in a full systematic literature review. The purpose was to identify which treatment /...

Impact on the corneal and anterior chamber characteristics after femtosecond laser cataract surgery

Femtosecond laser cataract surgery (FLACS) is being increasingly used in the preparation for cataract surgery. Benefits of circular capsulorrhexis and reduced phacoemulsification energy have been shown in the literature. This study was designed to assess the anterior chamber characteristics and...