You searched for "surgery"

2129 results found

Treatment of IIIcnp

The authors report the surgical treatment of a 15-year old with congenital III nerve palsy. The child had a deviation of 50PD exotropia and a -6 limitation of adduction, -3 limitation of elevation and -4 limitation of depression. Surgery consisted...

Monofixation syndrome following cataract extraction

This study aimed to test the hypothesis that interruption of macular fusion for an extended period of time is the key event that results in the development of monofixation syndrome in children and adults. This was a retrospective review of...

Eyelid nodule outcomes

Idiopathic facial aseptic granuloma (IFAG) is a recently defined paediatric dermatology disorder. This study presents the clinical outcomes of children with IFAG nodules on their eyelids with or without facial nodules and aim to compare the outcomes with those presenting...

Conjunctival mapping biopsies in sebaceous carcinoma

This is a retrospective review of conjunctival mapping biopsies in patients with periocular sebaceous cell carcinoma. The authors reviewed the biopsy technique and outcomes of 45 patients who had mapping biopsies performed over a 25-year period. A total of 429...

Postoperative diplopia test with BT for inferior oblique overaction

The authors evaluate a novel assessment of botulinum toxin (BT) injection into the inferior oblique (IO) as a postoperative test in those with secondary IO overaction. This was a retrospective review of 23 injections for 18 patients using 1.25U of...

Prediction of recurrence in exotropia

This study compares the long-term motor and sensory outcomes between constant and intermittent exotropia in infancy and investigated whether constancy can be used as a reliable factor for predicting surgical outcomes. Sixty-seven patients were reviewed – 37 constant and 30...

Imiquimod for lentigo maligna

This is a retrospective review of 12 patients with periocular lentigo maligna treated with topical 5% imiquimod cream. In six patients it was the only treatment, and in the other six it was used following partial excision, cryotherapy or both....

Case report of Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON)

This case report presents a 74-year-old male patient who developed LHON, with a previous diagnosis of bilateral macular holes. LHON occurs predominantly in healthy young men and onset in older age ranges increases the likelihood that the patient will have...

Surgical correction of lacrimal gland prolapse

This is a systematic review of published literature on the management of lacrimal gland prolapse or ptosis. The authors found 16 publications which contained a description of any surgical correction of a prolapsed lacrimal gland, comprising seven case reports, four...

Injuries due to forceps delivery

A retrospective series is presented of injuries secondary to forceps delivery over a 15-year period in 11 cases: seven male and four female. Follow-up of cases was over two months to 17 years. Eight presented within one week of delivery,...

Proprioception and ptosis

This is a small prospective study investigating the effect of proprioceptive factors on upper lid height. Eight unilaterally anophthalmic patients with ocular prostheses and normal lid heights had standardised photographic measurements taken of their eyelid and brow positions. Three sets...

Outcomes for acute acquired non-accommodative comitant esotropia

Outcomes are reported in a retrospective review of 338 patients with acute acquired non-accommodative comitant esotropia (AACE). Mean age at presentation was 12.60 ±9.37 years and 220 were male, 118 female. Best corrected visual acuity was 0.2 ±0.29 logMAR overall;...