You searched for "light"

2403 results found

American Academy of Ophthalmology – Updated textbooks Basic and Clinical Science Course 2018-2019

The American Academy of Ophthalmology publish a series of books entitled Basic and Clinical Science Course every year. It’s a highly regarded series and has often been quoted to me as a good reference set of books. Indeed, I invested...

Third nerve palsy following cataract surgery with sub-Tenon’s anaesthesia

Figure 1: Photograph showing partial ptosis of the right eye two months after surgery (photo by R McLeod). An 83-year-old lady had routine right eye cataract surgery under uncomplicated sub-Tenon’s anaesthesia. She presented two weeks later, explaining that following the...

DR-NET Workshop – information-sharing for strengthening DR programmes

Contributors: Rosie Brennan, Anshul Chauhan, Mona Duggal, John Ellis, Michael Gichangi, Edwin Grayson, Catherine Jamieson, Ankita Kankaria, Oliver Kemp, Hendra Kusuma, Nanda Matthew, Geeta Menon, Habibah Muhiddin, Tunde Peto, Recivall Salongcay, Frank Sandi, Hazel Shillingford-Ricketts, Bernadetha Shilio, Caroline Styles, Sharon...

Simulated ocular surgery – strabismus surgery

See also Simulated ocular surgery and Simulated ocular surgery: pars plane vitrectomy and scleral buckling surgery Strabismus surgery requires a range of skills, distinct to those required for intraocular surgery. Even if a trainee does not plan to become a...

Regulatory drug evaluations and expedited review initiatives: EU and US perspectives

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) and United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) each conduct independent assessments of benefit-risk profile when evaluating applications to market new or modified medicines, and their respective decision-making is guided by distinct legislation, procedures and...

An unusual case of acute retinal necrosis

Case report A 40-year-old Caucasian male presented with a four-day history of redness and progressive painless reduction of vision in the left eye. His visual acuities were 6/4 in the right and 6/36 in the left. The left eye showed...

Aqueous misdirection: a case series of unexpected surgical complications

Aqueous misdirection (AM), also known as malignant glaucoma, is a form of secondary glaucoma that typically presents with shallowing of the anterior chamber (AC), raised intraocular pressure (IOP), and reduced visual acuity (VA) in the presence of patent peripheral iridotomies...

Non-arteritic anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy (NA-AION): a review

Ischaemic optic neuropathy (ION) is the commonest adult optic neuropathy encountered today in our ageing population, is a common cause of irreversible visual loss and is usually associated with underlying vascular disease. The condition is classified as follows: (a) Anterior...

Leadership and management in optometry: why is it important?

The General Medical Council recognises that leadership and management is essential for every doctor, and provides guidance detailing management and leadership responsibilities [1]. Indeed, management and leadership is part of the core training for all medical trainees. However, to date,...

Atopic keratoconjunctivitis (AKC) and ocular surface squamous neoplasia (OSSN)

The authors present two cases of invasive OSSN in patients with severe AKC. Case 1 was a 73-year-old male with severe AKC and atopic eczema who developed a suspicious papillary-like limbal lesion in the left eye. He had an excisional...

An anterior segment lump: a diagnostic and treatment challenge

Case presentation A 50-year-old female presented to eye casualty with a lump on the left medial lower eyelid with associated redness and occasional bleeding. The lump was present for a few months with recent enlargement (Figure 1). Her past medical...

Ophtherminator 3 - Rise of the Machines

“Bring back life form, priority one, all other priorities are rescinded.” Film buffs will spot this as a chilling quote spoken by Ash (Ian Holm) from the classic sci-fi horror movie Alien (1979). Ash (spoiler alert) is a Hyperdyne Systems...