You searched for "IFIS"
Risk factors for intraoperative floppy iris syndrome
Intraoperative floppy iris syndrome (IFIS) is charcterised by flaccid iris stroma leading to fluttering and billowing of iris, tendency of iris to prolapse through surgical incisions and causing intraoperative pupil constriction. IFIS is characterised as complete when all three features...Intraoperative floppy iris syndrome and prevalence of intraoperative complications
Alpha-blockers (particularly of the selective type) are known to be associated with intraoperative floppy iris (IFIS) and poor dilation, which can present in various severities during cataract surgery and need to be recognised in order to avoid intraoperative complications. Methods...Identifying drugs associated with intraoperative floppy iris syndrome
Before David Chang MD from the University of California found out about intraoperative floppy iris syndrome (IFIS), ophthalmologists were mystified each time they came across cataract surgeries that were characterised by sudden intraoperative iris prolapse and pupil constriction. The biggest...Detection of post stroke visual impairment in variety of cohorts
1 December 2021
| Claire Howard
Reproducible, Stroke, incidence, prevalence, vision
The Impact of Visual Impairment after Stroke (IVIS) study introduced a standardised vision assessment protocol across three acute stroke units in the northwest of England, with a similar demographic population (predominantly white British). The study reported similar rates of visual...
Posterior capsular rupture risk factors as reported in the European registry
In this cross-sectional review of the European Registry of Quality Outcomes for Cataract and Refractive Surgery (EUREQUO) including 2,853,376 patients and 31,749 cases with posterior capsular rupture (PCR), the authors observed a trend of reduction in PCR rate from 1.44%...Intracameral mydriasis with Mydrane
1 December 2018
| Jonathan Chan
EYE - Cataract, EYE - Refractive
Lens And Zonules, Pharmacology, Pupil, Treatment Surgery
The aim of this study is to evaluate the ‘real world’ experience in a UK setting for intracameral Mydrane mydriasis in routine cataract surgery. A prospective consecutive series of 60 patients (group 2) had intraoperative, intracameral Mydrane (tropicamide 0.02%, phenylephrine...
Running a high-volume nurse led intravitreal service using the Sp.eye device – the Stanley Eye Unit experience
2 February 2024
| Julia Baxter, Eoin Guerin, Catrin Bertalot, Alison Birch, Tracy Turner, Karen Evans
EYE - Vitreo-Retinal
Introduction The vast majority of ophthalmology units utilise allied healthcare professionals (AHPs) to deliver intravitreal injections (IVIs). The Royal College of Ophthalmologists issued a statement 10 years ago advocating the use of non-medical practitioners performing IVIs [1]. The main benefit...
Ophthalmology survey results June/July 2019
Firstly may I thank all of you who took the time to answer the survey. I hope you will agree that the findings are very interesting. From a medicolegal perspective we always consider the Bolam test which can be summarised...Exeter clinic manager wins VCHP Volunteer Award
Exeter VCHP clinic manager, Zoe Haigh, has been recognised for her outstanding contribution to the charity during the past six years.International Ocular Inflammation Society (IOIS) Congress September 2023 in a sweltering Berlin
14 September 2023
| Nima John Ghadiri
IOIS, Berlin, Conference, Report, Event, ocular inflammation, Hagar Ibrahim, Dhanach Dhirachaikulpanich, Nima Ghadiri
Approaching its 40th year, IOIS remains focused on advancing research and knowledge-sharing around ocular inflammatory diseases.
The results of the last survey Oct 2019
Another fascinating response which once more highlights the massive variation in practice. I completely acknowledge that ophthalmology is an art as well as a science and therefore there will be variances in practice and there will not be one ‘right’...Changes in Japanese eyes after laser peripheral iridotomy
1 August 2016
| Anjali Gupta
angle opening distance, anterior chamber depth, anterior segment optical coherence tomography, laser peripheral iridotomy, primary angle closure
The aim of this study was to evaluate laser peripheral iridotomy (LPI) induced changes in anterior segment parameters, using the anterior segment optical coherence tomography (ASOCT). Seventy-two subjects of Japanese ethnicity with primary angle closure suspect (PACS), primary angle closure...