You searched for "Intravitreal injections"
2018 update on intravitreal injections
1 December 2018
| Sofia Rokerya
Retina / Uvea / Vitreous
Intravitreal injections, Treatment of retinal diseases, Vitreoretinal diseases
In this review article the authors have highlighted the standardised and structured approach to intravitreal injections (IVI) by examining the recent evidence-based literature. IVI is the most commonly performed procedure worldwide with low potential risk of endophthalmitis. IOP spikes are...
An alternative to povidone-iodine for intravitreal injections?
1 February 2017
| Eulee Seow
Retina / Uvea / Vitreous
While povidone-iodine (5% aqueous) preparations have historically been considered the most effective antimicrobial prophylaxis for ophthalmic procedures and have been adopted as routine for intravitreal injections, post-procedure pain is a commonly recognized adverse event of IVI and has typically been...
Endophthalmitis after intravitreal injections in France
1 June 2015
| Efrosini Papagiannuli
Retina / Uvea / Vitreous
In this nationwide, retrospective, multicentre case series, the authors looked at the incidence and characteristics of endophthalmitis after intravitreal injections of anti-VEGFs and steroids, given for a variety of posterior segment conditions (macular oedema secondary to diabetes or retinal vein...
Antibiotic prophylaxis after intravitreal injections
1 June 2014
| Brian Ang
The use of topical antibiotics as prophylaxis after intravitreal injections is a contentious issue, especially now with increasing use of intravitreal anti-VEGF agents. In the Wills Eye Institute, prior to May 2011, all patients undergoing intravitreal injections in the office...
G-CSF intravitreal injections for NAION: a pilot study
5 April 2022
| Su Young
Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy, Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, Intravitreal injection, Neuroprotection, Optic atrophy
In rodent models with anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (AION), granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) confers a neuroprotective effect on retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) via anti-apoptotic and anti-inflammatory processes. This prospective study investigated the efficacy of intravitreal injection of G-CSF for the...
Intravitreal injections delivered by ophthalmic clinical nurse specialists
1 June 2015
| Rita McLauchlan, D Armstrong, Konstantinos Balaskas, Sajjad Mahmood
EYE - Vitreo-Retinal
Intravitreal injections of the anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) agent ranibizumab, for the treatment of wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD) was approved by National Institute for Health & Care Excellence (NICE) in 2008 [1]. The Manchester Royal Eye Hospital (MREH),...
Do bilateral same day intravitreal injections increase the risk of endophthalmitis?
1 February 2019
| Tasmin Berman
Retina / Uvea / Vitreous
This large retrospective cohort study reviewed all patients who had bilateral intravitreal anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) injections between April 2012 and August 2017. There were 101,932 procedures performed in 5890 patients. The two most common indications for injections were...